There is so much we could accomplish in a lifetime, but how many times does resistance keep us from doing all we might achieve? Join us to do a deep dive into the subject of RESISTANCE.

I. First read of Resistance in a book entitled Lynch Pin by Seth Godin
A. A form of perfectionism
1. We typically think of perfectionism as a good thing
2. Not always good; we don't always bring projects to conclusion because we are trying to be perfect
3. It is an insidious way of keeping you from doing your best work
4. Feels like a voice in your head
a. "Damned if you do and damned if you don't"
b. Creating reasons/excuses for not doing things
5. Also mentioned in a book entitled The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
a. Discusses people who spend more time battling resistance against work than actually working
b. Need to identify the procrastinating forces at play that pull the rug out from under someone experiencing resistance
c. How we use clever tricks to create arguments in our head to justify not doing work
II. How to know when enough is enough and move forward
A. Moderation in everything
B. Learn to know when something is good enough so you can move on
C. Balance learning, thinking, and reading with Doing The Work
D. Take a step towards solving
1. Any stopping allows resistance to settle in and block you
E. When you feel "in the groove," "in the flow," or "on a roll," you are defeating resistance
F. It's not necessarily easy, but is very satisfying when you do
III. No man is an island: your relationships with others are vital and can change your life