In this podcast I visit with Andy Minoie about what qualities to look for when trying to find good employees who may also be good future managers.

Finding the Right Employees (Who May Be Good Future Managers)
I. Showing Initiative
A. Do they look around for what needs to be done and do it without being asked?
B. Do they understand your suppliers/vendors/ customers point of view?
C. Do they look at issues from different sides and another's point of view to help resolve issues?
II. The Hiring Process
A. Is the applicant composed?
B. Watch their body language
C. Is the applicant a good speaker-- or is this perhaps not a strong suit of theirs? If so, can it be enhanced?
D. Do their answers reflect teamwork?
E. What thought processes do their answers reflect?
F. What type of employee would they be?
1. Just clock in / clock out or would they go above and beyond?
2. Leader/ Manager potential?
3. Can they be developed?
III. A Leaders Role
A. Hire people who are future leaders
B. Teach employees to work to the next level
C. Encourage employees to find their replacement as well as good teammates
D. Future leaders should not be chosen just by seniority
E. They should be good with people
F. They should give evidence that they are good at teamwork and would be good teammates
G. Do they have a mindset to work to find and train their own replacement?
H. Are they down to earth and won't lose their roots?
I. Being humble is a great asset
Our job as leaders is to hire people who are the future leaders