Preparing or Revising Your Advance Medical Directive - Episode 44 with Gary Duncan
You may think you have your life all set, but no matter what age you are you should consider “Preparing or Revising Your Advance Medical Directive”. In this episode Gary Duncan gives you the “how to” so that you can get it done!

I. Advance Medical Directives
A. Trusts
State guidelines control
B. Items in a trust
1. Trust Agreement
2. Last Will and Testament
3. General Durable Power of Attorney (POA)
4. Living Will with Medical Directives
5. HIPAA Authorization
6. Digital Asset Authorization
7. Tangible Personal Property Listing
II. Cruzan Case
A. Started January 11, 1983, with Nancy Cruzan's car accident
B. Almost 10 years of court cases about what should/could happen to Nancy
C. Concluded in 1991 when Congress passed the Patient Self Determination Act
D. All hospitals now offer AMD forms
III. Co-Vid Pause
A. Being on life support with co-vid doesn't necessarily mean person won't have future quality of life
B. If I become sick enough to need life support, how do I want to be treated?
1. I want it
2. I want it unless others need it more and are more likely to live
3. I don't want it
a. Are you sure?
i. Yes
ii. No, I need more information from doctors and loved ones
IV. If I don't have a trust, where do I start?
A. Internet
Center for Practical Bioethics
B. Your local hospital
C. Trust Attorney
D. Your personal attorney
E. Estate planner