Cindy Moore, a Motivational Speaker, starts her year out with two essential elements. She creates a VISION BOARD that captures all she wants to experience and a WORD that guides her every action for the year. Here she looks at 2020.

I. Vision Board
A. Includes
1. Goals
2. Travel
3. Inspiring Words
4. Word of the year
B. Created out of cuts from magazines
1. Words
3. Pictures
C. What do you look for
1. What do you see yourself or want to be doing?
2. Put it out there in the universe
3. Usually put together every January
4. Originally the Word was career driven; now more reflective of person
5. At beginning, she chose her word; now they choose her
a. She starts seeing a certain word show up a lot, etc.
D. Purpose of Board
1. Captures exactly where I am on my journey right now
2. Captures what I am interested in/ what motivates me
3. Helps guide me during the year
4. Don't normally change it during the year but occasionally can add to it
a. Ex. Tickets from an event that relates to your word that you attended
5. Keep them and can go back to review every so often
II. Collateral
A. Song
B. Symbol
C. Come from repetition, showing up in life, usually unexpectedly and frequently
1. Synchronicity
III. Cindy's Blogs
A. Journey with Healthy Me
1. Includes stories, recipes, etc.
B. Cindy Goes Beyond
1. Living a bigger life