Become the best time manager you know by learning a basic concept Dan created in his book PerfectTIMING. It's called PORE. Learn how to Prepare for your day, Operate at your highest level, Refresh yourself regularly and Evaluate every single day.

Time Management, Lessons from Perfect Timing by Dan Chiodo
I. The PORE method
A. Prepare
1. Great preparation sets you up for success
2. Most of us don't . We come into the day like it's new
3. We should prepare AHEAD for the day, the day before
4. Questions to ask yourself:
a. Are you fully prepared?
b. Do you have all the reports ready?
c. Is your desk cleared?
i. A clear desk leads to a clear mind
B. Operate
1. Focus only on what you are doing
a. How long can you do this? 90/60/30 minutes? Plan ahead
2. Focus items out to be in your schedule, not just meetings
C. Refresh
1. Take time to pull away
2. You get more done when you take short breaks and/or vacation
D. Evaluate
1. What went right today
2. What went wrong today
3. What should be changed for tomorrow
II. Obstacles
A. Some items are not taken care of because we feel we have no control
1. Think like an owner
B. Schedule time in your calendar for you and your tasks
1. Value yourself and your time
2. Control your time
a. Spend it on the right things and situations
b. What could possibly happen
c. Don't let someone else steal your time
III. Thought for the month:
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.