As far as COVID-19 we know what happened and what is presently happening – – but more important than that is how this will change our businesses in the future. Join my interview with Dustin Storm, a thought leader who has a six step method to consider for success.

I. Choices:
A. Do nothing and let this kill your business
B. Start down the path to survival
1. Channel the reasons you started your business
2. Be willing to change whatever you need to
3. Focus on your customers' problems, not yours
4. Be willing to think about what might happen
a. Don't be paralized by fear
5. Gauge your level of fear to gauge your level of response
6. Have a general emergency plan
a. This can cover a variety of emergencies
b. Not to cause us fear, but to sharpen us
7. You don't have to be right, but you do have to take action
II. Six Steps to Examine and Guide your Response
A. STEP ONE: Define new problems for your current customers
1. Not your problems
2. How does this affect them
3. What do they need
4. Don't limit to what you are currently solving
B. STEP TWO: Filter for skills that you can provide
What can you help them solve
C. STEP THREE: Open up skills
Who else can these skills help
Potential new customers
D. STEP FOUR: Develop solutions
1. What can you do/ how can you help
a. New resources
b. New processes
2. This is a rough draft
E. STEP FIVE: Test solutions
Any changes?
F. STEP SIX: Roll out solutions
Don't have to be perfect. Can change over time if needed